Company Share Dealing Frequently Done 

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Share dealing is a common way to buy and sell shares in the UK. It’s when you buy or sell them directly from a company share. You’ll often find that companies offer this as an alternative to using online shares trading services like Hargreaves Lansdown, Share Society, or The Share Centre. Here’s what you need to know about share dealing costs, how it works, and why it might be better for some people than using an online broker. 

What Is Company Share Dealing? 

Company Share Dealing is the process of buying or selling shares in a company on a stock exchange. 

Shareholders are entitled to vote at general meetings and receive dividends from profits earned by the company. A shareholder may also be able to sell his/her shares at any time, which gives him/her some control over how much money he/she makes from his/her investment. 

The Key Benefits Of Company Share Dealing 

Company share dealing is a cost-effective way of investing. It allows you to buy and sell shares with just one transaction, which makes it ideal for smaller investors who don’t have the time or energy to spend hours trading on the stock market every day. 

If you’re looking for a simple way to invest in companies that interest you, then company share dealing could be perfect for you. You can also use this method when spreading your risk across multiple investments for example, if there are several stocks that seem promising but none stand out as particularly good value at present (which is often the case). 

How To Do Company Share Dealing 

The process of company share dealing is quite simple and can be done by anyone. The first step is to open an account with a broker, who will provide you with all the necessary information needed to get started. Once this has been done, you should be able to buy or sell shares through them without any issues. 

If you want more information on how to do company share dealing online or in person, please contact us at [email protected] 

Learn About The Basics Of Company Share Dealing 

Company share dealing is a type of trading that involves buying and selling shares in companies. It is different from share trading, which refers to the buying and selling of individual shares. 

In company share dealing, you can purchase or sell thousands of shares at once rather than one at a time (like you would when doing share trading). This allows you to make large movements in the market without having to spend hours researching each company on an individual basis. However, it does mean that there are higher costs involved because these trades involve more money being exchanged between buyers and sellers over time. 

The main difference between share dealing and share trading is that traders using exchange-based platforms will typically find themselves using company-specific platforms when conducting their business online – this means they’ll need access codes for each individual business before making any orders through them! 


We hope that you now have a better understanding of the benefits of company share dealing. It’s important to note that this is just one way of investing in shares, but it can be an effective one if done correctly. If you’re looking for something more traditional then we recommend checking out our other guides on stockbroking or online trading platforms. 

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